About Karolyn

I choose myself

My approach as an Akashic Record Reader & Embodiment Trauma Release Empowerment Coach



I am Karolyn Boyd!

Who I help

I can help you if you experience chaos, anxiety and a whirlpool of negative thoughts, and feel stuck in negative cycles, and seek to achieve a calm content mind as well as inner peace.

What I do

I am an Akashic Record Reader as well as an Embodiment Trauma Release Practitioner and rehabilitate dysregulated nervous systems and release trauma. In fact, we don’t ever need to talk about what happened. We are primarily concerned with the sensation in the body when past trauma is triggered by something in the present.
The Akashic Record Reading helps you understand your choices, and why you may be stuck in a negative karmic pattern.
Your choices at the level of action create your experience and destiny. 
An Akashic Record Reading helps you understand whether the choices you make on a daily basis align with your Soul's Blueprint and your divine nature.

With Subtle Body Coaching, you will learn to trust your body and enhance your intuition. Your body will become your best friend and you will feel more grounded, more present, and less reactive. The first symptom you will feel is feel lightness.


At one point in my life, a was an avid yoga practitioner and teacher, and even owned the yoga studio in my town.  Any practice which developed your ability to be present, increased your mindfulness, awareness as well as meditation, were my principle practices in my life. I had tried so many different modalities. This practice changed my life! 

The Akashic Records also allow you to step into your fullest potential and bring you awareness by aligning you with your soul.  This allows you to be more effective at creating your reality.  

What is Subtle Body Work ™?

The universe has led me by chance to Subtle Body Work ™. The term subtle body has its origin in ancient Vedic understanding (related to yoga) of the layers of what makes up a human being. I have found this the most efficient method to be totally in the now as there are minimal distractions and you are focused on the body. Everyone can do subtle body practices. Subtle Body Work leads to releasing trauma by being present with it in the body. This allows you to move through it rather than using the flight or fight or freeze response which is the way most people deal with trauma.

How does subtle body methods work?

The object of attention remains the body, as well as the emotions, sensations as well as your memories and your thoughts which present themselves.  As you may know, trauma is actually stored in the body.  The subtle body methods which I use for my coaching help people be able to be fully present, and this allows for emotional wounds, created in your past to be highlighted in your body. This allows you to become aware of them. Embodiment practices use the body as a tool for healing through self-awareness, mindfulness, connection, self-regulation, finding balance, and creating self-acceptance. Embodiment explores the relationship between our physical being and our energy. It involves the interaction of our body, thoughts, and actions. I also apply the polyvagal theory, to emphasize safety, use energy medicine, as well as the emotional freedom technique (EFT). There is also an energy component, drawn from Traditional Chinese Medicine, to heal and restore the energy flow and balance this in the body. The trauma is dissolved as the layers of the wound peel away just like an onion, and this is how it gets disintegrated and eventually released. You do not need to have practiced an embodiment practice for this method to work for you. 

How can this be useful?

I use Subtle Body Work ™ tools we will use in the coaching sessions on a daily basis myself to deal with triggers in my daily life. Many of my clients get exceptional results and it transforms their lives, just like it transformed mine.  This is proven by tracking results.   

I'm here to help you deal with your anxiety in your life.  This anxiety causes chaos in your mind.  You end up spiraling in negative thoughts and this causes a whirlpool that goes round and round and is difficult to control. These triggers and reactions make you react, and releasing the trauma helps you achieve a calm, content mind, and inner peace.  With embodiment trauma release coaching, you will learn to navigate emotional triggers with greater ease, rewrite the stories holding you back, and blossom into your full potential. 

Who is it for?

If you’ve tried it all;

If your therapy has plateaued, and you are craving a greater sense of freedom;

Or you want a collaborative, somatic technique to enhance your current therapy;

Then it’s time to benefit from subtle body trauma release!

I offer listening, benevolence, clarity. I can lead, collaborate, support and be there with you to set you free!


Book your free call below to get started!

I choose myself

My story

Hello my friend,

I know what it's like, to feel completely out of control.

You feel crazy and people actually look at you funny and call you out on your crap!

It is as if something else has taken power over you.

Despite how much your try, you never end up acting how you want.

It's just a reaction and you feel like a puppet.

You hurt people and your relationships suffer, and you end up regretting things in your life.

I just tried to deny the situation and ignore it, but I discovered that this does not change anything, and it just keeps repeating itself anyways.

NOW, I hold the power and I am blessed to be in an entirely different place.  Finally, I am able to have emotional control over myself and stay present in difficult situations!

I am an embodiment trauma release coach whose approach offers listening, benevolence, clarity, as well as the wisdom I have acquired from my past. 

I choose myself

A few words about me

I think it's important that you know a little more about me before we have our first coaching session together.

I hope that by getting to know me and the way I function a little better, it will reduce any anxiety you may have about starting one-on-one coaching.

I grew up in Northern Ontario in a suburban part of Sudbury, Ontario. I went to Laurentian University for my undergrad and came to Ottawa, Ontario for my graduate degree. I wanted to escape the stress of the city and now live in the Gatineau hills on the Québec side of the border.

I love nature and spend most of my extracurricular activities outside.  I have 3 beautiful dogs and we all love to hike in the woods. 

For almost 30 years, I worked with people as an adjuster and disability management specialist.

When introduced to subtle body methods, and experiencing the impact this modality had on my life, I decided to offer my services to all and help anyone experiencing an unfulfilling relationship who wants to live their most aligned life. 


All of created existence is drunk on the Heart

The entire cosmos is a toy in its hands.

All the nine levels of the spheres of Heaven

Are only two short steps for the Heart.


- Jalal-ud-Din Rumi

I choose myself